Today begins my holiday, our company started long vacations. Before melting hours, the Assembly has a steam bath get together for solace. Upon arrival, Someone naturally demanding early because his wife called about. And I also tell his wife before dinner at home, because the company should not rush party. These guys you're back, I now only stay with her best girlfriend. Reality too went, we had to stay and a sauna. She's really very violent, did not seem a bit reluctant to undress in front of me. And now, before my eyes was a really perfect body, big breast, buttocks stocky and rounded look that just want to close the divide want to fuck immediately. Just think about this hot body that my young birds are now in front of her rigid. Seeing this, her best friend boldly instant squeeze my bird a few times, then put into the mouth like ice cream button. Coffee too, no one here, besides a trym and Lin was craving a fuck each other, play it now at